Peer-reviewed publications
Policy Enforcement in the Presence of Organized Crime: Evidence from Rio de Janeiro (with Raphael Bruce and Alexandros Cavgias) - Journal of Development Economics, 2023
Media Manipulation in Young Democracies: Evidence from the 1989 Brazilian Presidential Election (with Alexsandros Cavgias, Raphael Corbi and Lucas Novaes) - Comparative Political Studies, 2023 - Replication package here
Under Pressure: Women's Leadership During the COVID-19 Crisis (with Raphael Bruce, Alexandros Cavgias and Mário Remígio) - Journal of Development Economics, 2022 - Replication package here
Working papers and work in progress
The costs and benefits of preferential treatment policies to small and medium enterprises in public procurement: Evidence from Brazil (with Alexandros Cavgias, Dimas Fazio and Vita Titl) - Draft coming soon
Understanding the Determinants of Efficiency in Public Procurement: Data Evidence Administrative and Survey in Brazil (with Yuri Barreto, Alexsandros Cavgias, Juan Santini and Thiago Scot)
“How Does Media Ownership Impact Political Power? Evidence from the Brazilian Democratization.” (with Alexsandros Cavgias)
Deplatforming Whatsapp, The Impact of Taking Down Anti-democratic Groups in Brazil: Evidence from Whatsapp Data (with Felipe Bailez)
Fire arms and Politics in Brazil: The Role of a Pro-Gun Agenda on Public Security (with Daniel Mendonça)
Evaluating the impact of a principals’ professional development program on school management practices: Evidence from Brazil (with Bruna Borges, Gabriel Leite and Ricardo Madeira) - Submitted
See it to believe it: the effect of incentives on students' test scores (with Amanda Arabage, Cristine Pinto and Vladimir Ponczek)
New draft coming soon
The Impact of Principal Leadership Practices on Student Achievement in Brazilian Schools: Evidence from Administrative and Survey Data in Brazil (with Ricardo Madeira)
Unearthing the Treasure: Assessing the Impact of the Financial, Fiscal and Civic Education Program in Brazilian Public Schools (with Renata Serson) - AEA Registry number: AEARCTR-0011363